Tales of the Unsung Icons
‘Breaking the Margin: Tales of the Unsung Heroes’ presents examples of inspirations, hopes, and accomplishments. We are pleased to present the stories of individuals drawn from the minority communities, who fought all kinds of odds and broke the barriers of stereotype. They triumphed over deeply entrenched poverty to set the examples for emulations.
Only a few people, beyond their neighbourhoods, know about their outstanding achievements in respective fields.
Even those of us who know about their splendid performances, hardly know about the ordeals they have gone through, how they bypassed the hurdles and navigated in the turbulent water of life to reach the shores.
The first aim of the series is to capture the journey of different individuals, what were the enabler and triggering points that moved these heroes to embark upon the path travelled by a few people. There are stories beyond the achievements.
For example, a swimmer has crossed the English Channel, hardly tells what she has sustained or sold to meet the expense of reaching the United Kingdom. This is an attempt, albeit the short space, to listen to those stories; and share with all.
The second principle guiding our this effort is to tell the stories of these unsung heroes to motivate others, especially those who come from similar backgrounds. These stories of achievements of under-dogs or unsung heroes would help others to dream and work towards fulfilling their dreams.
Finally, for drawing some big lessons, this could be relevant for the collective responsibilities of citizens and the state. The endeavour also has few stories of those unsung heroes who acted as enablers to many.
One of the common threads running across every profile is the story of grit and determination. Often financial constraints are cited as one of the stumbling blocks in the way of realizing the dream. These achievers proved this as a myth.